Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Editing Process

So after my photos are made, I will do as most photographers and perform some post-processing work. My tool of choice has always been Adobe Photoshop Lighroom, which I just call 'Lightroom'. Rather apt name, as post work is lovingly referred to as the "Digital Dark Room".

Here is an image I took a few years back. The original was shot in RAW, B&W - with zero editing. I was so pleased with the image I had decided at the time to not so much as crop it. Fast forward to today, I reviewed the original RAW and felt I could make a few minor adjustments. Here is a before & after

(To see these images side by side, click here)

 I did try straightening out the vertical lines, but with that I felt the slight cropping of the chair was unpleasing to the eye. However, I think in the end, the trade off of getting rid of the slanted door frame was worth it. Here is the straightened version

The minor adjustments I made in Lightroom, as well as the final histogram can be seen here:


The idea of revisiting a few of my older images is rather enticing. I feel as if the experience in post work I've added to my repetoire over the years might help make a few of those images better. I've also joined a wonderful photo critique group on Google+, called "Behind The Lens". An amazing collection of photographers of all levels helping each other out and sharing news/information pertaining to our common interest.

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