Tuesday, October 11, 2011


A few months back I added my name to a list of attendees to an online, open photography course being offered. The class, from Coverntry University in the UK, is being taught by Jonathon Worth, and also published online throughout the semester.

This sounded like a great opportunity for me to really get involved with something that has deadlines, and due-dates for submissions. While they aren't able to give each submission feedback, or grades/credit - per se, the takeaway here is that I'm able to follow the course curriculum and interact with other students through the forum.

The first assignment was to pick 8 - 10 of your favorite photographs that inspire you. Keeping them to a theme, and laying them out as you would in a presentation, or magazine layout. I found the idea very interesting - keeping a "flow" to the images, and relating them to each other.

I chose images of abandoned and decrepit items, left as garbage. These are images I've seen previously and have enjoyed looking at. I made a best effort to locate the original sources & artists, as most of these images I found while surfing the web.


I didn't feel comfortable taking artwork from other people and using them in my own "layout", as if I was building a spread in a magazine. So instead, I just provided the forum with links for everyone to see the artwork that inspired me from a particular topic.

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