Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Madness!

Yesterday & today have been great. We were up at the family's house introducing the new dog to everyone. I was able to make a few photos of everyone first meeting Hiro, and their initial interactions with him.

One of the skills I think I've gotten good at - snapping the picture at the right moment so that the subject has a pleasant pose. This "skill" is mostly them.

The skill I haven't gotten good at: I tend to think more about the subject(s) than the background, and this often leads to distractions in my photos. For example:

1/125th @ f/7.10

I'm very happy with the subjects in this picture. However, the mostly-in-focus and certainly-angled-lines in the background are quite distracting to my eye. Particularly that colorful hanging cloth on the oven handle. Had I instead moved my own position and allowed the subject to then face me, his back would have been to a darkened room and looked a little better!

In addition to the photographs I made, I also attended an online "webinar" for monitor calibration. The event was run by the manufacturer of the product, and they mainly pitched the features of the high-end model. Every attendee was entered into a contest to win one, but alas I did not. I am certainly interested in getting my monitors calibrated for correct color - however it isn't a rush as I 

a) don't print my own prints
b) understand that while the colors may be accurate on my monitor, any photos I post online are certainly viewed by people with uncalibrated monitors!

My foray in the world of photography continues! Sometimes I feel as if I won't be content until I've filled every inch of my brain with knowledge.

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